12 people tell how they were helped in their time of need

Almost everyone has helped an elderly lady stow her suitcase in the luggage rack of a train. But who has ever waived a flight for a complete stranger so that they can spend Christmas with their family? Or trying to dissuade a desperate person from harming themselves or even killing themselves?

Here are emotional stories that really inspire you. (Scroll down to the article.)

The following Samaritans did that. You have often helped others in need without external pressure. These wonderful deeds will live forever in the hearts of the people who met those good souls.

1. @krausesuzy: “I was just eight months pregnant when I slipped on black ice, fell and passed out. When I came to, I was surrounded by a group of strangers, none of whom were wearing coats (it was the dead of winter in Canada). Your coats were all on top of me and one under my head. “


2. @Ali_Davis: “One day my mother allowed me to go to the little corner shop in our small town by myself. I thought I had enough money with me for a magazine. At the checkout, however, the saleswoman said it wasn’t enough. I was really excited and scared. A little older lady then slipped me some change. I will never forget this gesture. I wish she would know. “

3. @emmabo: “I went to an esoteric shop on my 21st birthday. I spoke to the owner about feeling quite an inferiority. As I was leaving the store, a woman rushed over to me and apologized for listening. She pressed a pink crystal into my hand. ‘I know you feel useless. But it’s not you, ‘she said. The woman explained that she bought the crystal so that I would not forget it. So that I would never forget that a stranger believed in me so much that she bought me a beautiful crystal. So that I learn to believe in myself. I cried because I really felt like a failure. Even after seventeen years, the crystal is still with me every day in my wallet. “

4th@SusieMadrak: “I was a single mother, had just recently been given notice and urgently needed money. Then my car stopped running. A friend of a friend found out about my situation and gave me a car, a Ford Escort. She saved me. I’ll never forget that, Marilyn. “

Ford Escort

5.@MeResisting: “I only had one day to freeze my eggs because I was discovered to have an aggressive type of cancer. I would have had to pay almost 9,000 euros for this. My doctor then called a hospital and I was admitted the same day. All the nurses worked overtime so that I could be treated – voluntarily. That’s why it didn’t cost me anything. Two egg cells were removed and three and a half years later I had my daughter. “

6th @LadyHawkins: “I was fourteen years old when my father suddenly had a brain haemorrhage. We were the only ones at home. There weren’t any cell phones yet, so I couldn’t reach my mother. I cried in the hospital waiting room. Then a woman gave me some change so I can make a call. I’m sure she was an angel. “

7th @kvknowsherfun: “Two very nice girls noticed that I was drunk and alone on the subway on New Year’s Eve. They helped me off the subway, escorted me home, gave me a large glass of water, and put me to bed. They even let my dog ​​out before they left. “


8th. @ oujen99: “The day before a plane trip, my relationship with my boyfriend ended. During the flight a nice man sat next to me, about my father’s age. He had to listen to my howl the whole time. After we landed, he said to me gently, ‘I don’t know what you’re going through, but I hope you will overcome the pain soon.’ “

9. @courtenlow: “I was pregnant and was shopping in the supermarket. I am quite small and had a huge belly. Many supermarket customers scoffed at me. For example, one woman said, ‘You’re about to burst.’ I replied that I was in my third month. She replied, ‘My goodness, my stomach wasn’t that big. Another woman pushed her car in between and looked me in the eye. She said: I think you look wonderful! ‘ Then she glared angrily at the other woman and pushed her car on. “

10. @nnuglig: “When I was four or five months pregnant, I was looking at maternity clothes in a store. It was a hot day in May. Suddenly I lost the ground from under my feet. Then I woke up again and held a huge pair of beige panties in my hands. I fell against a clothes rail with these knickers on. There were mostly older women around me who worked in the shop. They helped me on my feet, put the sales sign aside, and escorted me to a café that was close by. They bought me some tea and a piece of cake. I was very ashamed, but at the same time I was very touched. “

coffee shop

11. @TweetChizone: “My goodness, I can hardly tell this story without crying at the same time. I used to work in an LGBT bookstore. Somebody called me one evening. He told me that he believed he was gay. So he wanted to hurt himself. I thought nothing would happen as long as I talked to him. Then I talked to him, asked questions, encouraged him, albeit with a desperate voice. During the conversation, of course, I could not serve the 4 to 5 customers present. Then a woman came up to me and said, ‘It’s my turn.’ She, a lesbian woman in her 50s, then spoke to the stranger. Then a line formed behind the woman. Every customer knew what this call was all about, knew this feeling. Then everyone in line spoke to the man on the phone. “

12. @twoscooters: “When I was married to my first husband, I wanted to visit him with our one-year-old daughter. He was a soldier and was stationed far away. I was in the airport, tired and blown by the wind. The flights were delayed due to snow and ice, then they were canceled. I was sitting at the gate with other passengers. A man there was also in the army and wanted to visit his little daughter over Christmas. I chatted with him, he was very nice. Then came an announcement: There was still space for some passengers. My name was not called. My daughter was crying. I tried to pull myself together. Then suddenly my name was called. The soldier I spoke to had given me his seat. ‘Any soldier would do the same for my wife,’ he had said. I was allowed to spend Christmas with my family, he wasn’t. That still moves me to tears even after 15 years. “

Cologne Bonn Airport

Really touching! How nice that there are always good people to help in emergency situations. You can find more touching stories and heartwarming articles in this list:

Thumbnail: © Flickr / Dr Dawn Tames

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