3 cute ideas for breakfast

If you don’t have enough time for a hearty breakfast in everyday life, then hopefully at least at the weekend you will treat yourself to a delicious morning meal. We have 3 recipes for you exactly for such beginnings, with which you can give your breakfast a cute and delicious face in no time at all. All you need are eggs, sausages, toast and a touch of imagination.

1.) Sausage flowers

For this you need:

  • 1 sausage (e.g. Krakauer)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 stalk of mint with two leaves

That is how it goes:

1.1 Cut five slices from the sausage.

1.2) Cut out each slice of sausage with a narrow glass so that a crescent moon is formed.

1.3 Arrange the punched sausage slices in a pan to form a flower.

1.4) Now fill the pan with a raw egg and fry the fried egg flowers in the pan until the egg white has coagulated.

1.5) Finally, decorate the flower with mint to make a flower.

2.) Toast piggy

For this you need:

  • 1 slice of toast
  • 1 egg
  • 1 fried sausage
  • 1 handful of grapes, halved
  • 1 black olive
  • 1 wooden skewer

That is how it goes:

2.1) Toast a slice of toast until golden brown, let it cool down briefly and then cut a circle in the middle with a glass.

2.2 Place the cut toast in a pan. Put a raw egg into the hole and fry the toast, which is now filled with fried egg, until the egg white has coagulated.

2.3) Then place the fried egg toast on a large plate – next to the toast circle that was initially cut out. Then cut the sausage so that you can use it to lay the pig’s ears, legs and curly tail. Then cut small pieces out of the olive that you can use to create eyes and nostrils. If you want, you can also distribute halved grapes under the toast pig, because then it does not float, but strolls happily across a grape meadow.

3.) Omelette sapling

For this you need:

  • 3 eggs
  • Salt pepper
  • 1 slice of Gouda cheese
  • 2 Viennese sausages
  • 1 apple

That is how it goes:

3.1 Whisk the eggs and season with salt and pepper. Then put them in a hot pan. Tear the cheese slice into small pieces and spread them over the eggs that are still runny. Then fry the omelette until the egg white has coagulated.

3.2 Place the omelette with the seared side up on a plate and fold it so that the cheese side is up.

3.3 Cut a sausage in half and cut about 2 to 3 cm on one side. Then fry it in the pan; cut the second sausage into small slices and fry them on both sides.

3.4 Decorate the folded omelette with the seared sausage slices and the halved sausage as well as an apple quarter to form a tree.

Who wouldn’t want to start the day with these delicious breakfast ideas? If you have to go fast in the morning, you may not necessarily take the time to create pigs, flowers or trees on your plate, but there is enough time for it at the latest on a day off, on vacation or on the weekend. With these three ideas you will not only put a smile on your face, but also on your loved ones.

Do you want to conjure up more good-looking food on your plate? Then you are guaranteed to like these sausages in your dressing gown, because they look like little sea creatures.


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