7 Awesome Marker Hacks

These days, markers, highlighters, and pens don’t seem to get the same kind of respect that they used to get. Computers and smartphones have arguably put pen and paper into early retirement, or so it may seem! There’s more to markers, pens, and highlighters than you might think – you can use them for all kinds of awesome tricks and cool DIY projects, like nail polish remover pens, DIY galaxy shoes, and much, much more. Check out our 7 awesome ideas to get you started!

1. Dye Your Barbie’s Hair Pink

You’ll Need:

Here’s How:

A blonde Barbie? What is this, 1965? Take your Barbie into the 21st century and give her a little makeover by dyeing her hair pink. Or blue. Or green. Whatever floats your boat!

2. Remove Sharpie From A Whiteboard

You’ll Need:

Here’s How:

In case you accidentally used a non-erasable pen on a whiteboard, you can easily remove it by using a dry erase marker. Just trace the ink lines with the dry erase marker and then remove it all with a sponge.

3. Colored Light Bulbs

You’ll Need:

Here’s How:

Paint the whole light bulb in different colors. As soon as you turn on the light, the whole room will be aglow with bright colors.

4. Remove Stubborn Ink From Tiles

You’ll Need:

Here’s How:

Use a toothbrush to rub some toothpaste on the dirty tile and the ink stains will come right off.

5. DIY Galaxy Sneakers

You’ll Need:

  • white sneakers
  • felt-tip pens in purple, blue, pink, and black
  • vinegar
  • white fabric paint

Here’s How:

Remove the laces from the shoes and then paint them in the 4 different colors listed above. Pour vinegar over the shoes so the colors start to run and the transition between colors becomes smooth. Once the shoes are dry, use white fabric paint to add a few dots.

6. Nail Polish Remover Pen

You’ll Need:

  • gloves
  • bleach
  • felt-tip pen
  • nail polish remover

Here’s How:

Put on your gloves, add some bleach to a bowl, remove the cartridge and tip from the felt-tip pen, and put it in the bowl. Squeeze the ink out of the cartridge, then let the cartridge and pen tip dry. Stick the cartridge back onto the pen and fill it with nail polish remover. Put the pen back together and use it to remove nail polish.

7. Remove Felt-Tip Pen From Skin

You’ll Need:

Here’s How:

If you’re unfortunate enough to have painted a felt-tip pen masterpiece all over your hands, grab a yellow highlighter ASAP! Just run the yellow highlighter all over the affected area and use a cotton pad to remove everything – it really is that simple!

And there you have it – grab your markers, pens, and highlighters and hop to it!

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