Make yeast yourself? 4 reasons why it's really worth it

Making yeast yourself is not difficult, and it can be a huge addition to your kitchen in terms of taste. Because you can make it both in a sweet variant, for example with dates, raisins or other dried fruits, and in a hearty variant with beer or tomatoes. So you can give your next yeast plait or pizza a special touch.

The best tips and tricks for a well-organized kitchen can be found here! (Scroll down to the yeast article.)

Here you can find out which 4 other reasons speak in favor of making yeast yourself.


1.) It is easy to make yeast water yourself.

Ingredients for yeast water:

  • 500 ml of lukewarm water
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 2 unsulphured dates (or the same amount of raisins or other dried fruits)

First you put the water in a suitable container, for example a screw-on or clip-on glass. Then you add the sugar, seal the jar and shake it. Finally, add the dates or raisins. Now you close the vessel again and put it in a warm place. In the morning and in the evening you shake the container and briefly open the lid. After 7 to 10 days the yeast will have its typical odor and many bubbles will have formed – it is ready to use.

If the yeast water is fresh, 500 ml is enough for 1 kg of flour. When it is reattached, the driving force improves, so that it is enough for 2 kg. You reduce the intended amount of water or milk in the recipe accordingly and of course you no longer need a separate yeast. Before using, you just have to fish out the dates or raisins and shake the yeast water well.

Important: Make sure that mold does not form in the yeast water. You can tell by an unpleasant smell or you can also see the mold. If that happens, you’ll need to throw it all away and try again.


2.) You can even make yeast from potatoes.

Ingredients for potato yeast:

  • 2 medium-sized potatoes (cooked and cooled)
  • 1 teaspoon light beer
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar

There are always a few potatoes in the kitchen. The next time you have lunch, you can simply wipe off two boiled potatoes. For potato yeast, all you have to do is grate the potatoes finely, mix them thoroughly with the beer and sugar and fill them into a screw-top jar. The mixture (which, by the way, is enough for 1 kg of flour) must go in a warm place for about 3 days, then it can be used.


3.) Wild yeast will never run out.

You can multiply homemade yeast over and over again. To do this, you can either branch off part (150-200 ml) of the homemade yeast water and make up again or you can store it in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks and then make it again. To start again, remove the old dried fruits and add new fruits and sugar. Then fill up to 500 ml with water.

Tip: The production of starter items from sourdough is also a good way to prepare for baking. The principle is the same as with wild yeast: you keep part of the sourdough and can use it as a starter culture for the next dough, which then goes faster.

Sourdough starter, day 2

4.) Homemade yeast is healthier.

If you are one of those people who get stomach grumbles or constipation from bread and pizza, it may be because you cannot tolerate the commercially available (industrially produced) yeast. Wild yeast is superior to ready-made yeast not only in terms of tolerance, but also in terms of vitamin content. Because it has a higher vitamin B content.


If you don’t have time to wait for your wild yeast to work, there is another alternative. You can also make pizza dough without yeast. You can find the detailed recipe for this in our article on 20 DIY tricks for baking. You can find out why too much yeast in pizza dough is generally not a good idea in our article about 6 common pizza mistakes.

Sources: utopia, wdr, stuttgarter news

Thumbnails: © Pinterest / © Flickr / Anders Adermark

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