10 people share unforgettable experiences with strangers

If you were to ask random passers-by on the street who shaped their lives the most, many would think of their parents, friends or relatives first. That goes without saying, but it doesn’t always have to be the case. Sometimes you meet strangers who, through their actions, have a strong influence on your own life or at least leave an unforgettable impression.

Here are emotional stories that really inspire you. (Scroll down to the article.)

The following ten stories are examples of this. These people tell of strangers who usually helped them in difficult situations or gave them hope through small gestures:

1. FishNchips72: “When I was really overweight, I made the decision to exercise more or less regularly. Going to the gym as a morbidly obese person is terrible – I’ve never felt more eyes on me. When I was on the treadmill, I ran slowly and then increased myself. Shortly afterwards, a really slim athletic woman stepped onto the treadmill next to me to warm up. That happened before Corona. Before she got off the treadmill, she turned to me and gave me five. Then she told me to hold on. It was so encouraging to have support for a change. I was used to being stared at in the gym. Your small, friendly gesture really helped me a lot! “

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2. qwikbarton: “In 1969 I was eleven years old, grew up without a father and with my mother, who lived on welfare. I was also the only kid in the neighborhood who didn’t own a bike. I always followed the other children on foot at top speed. A young man who lived across the street had apparently been watching me. He assembled a bike and gave it to me after asking my mother for permission. Thanks to this bike, I was accepted and from then on I was able to participate in so many things that you do as a child. It had a huge impact on my life! As an adult, I imitate that young man and give a bicycle to one or two foster children every year. “

3rd QuintusNonus: “I was with a student at the university. I really loved her, but I realized we didn’t go together. We had to part. After that, I drank a bottle of vodka alone in my dorm. I was really full but still felt miserable. So I went to a few pubs and kept drinking. Somehow I got back on the bus from my drinking tour, but I couldn’t make the last little walk to the dormitory. So I just lay down where I was – literally in the gutter. Then this helpful guy came by. He saw me lying in the gutter and helped me up. He dragged me to my dorm and asked what was going on on the way. I explained the background to my drinking tour to him. I don’t remember much about the conversation, but I never forgot a sentence that was like this: ‘Buddy, you won’t find the solution to your problems at the bottom of a bottle.’ “

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4th Just-STFU: “When I was homeless, I asked a lady what the time was. She gave me information and offered me half of her sandwich and her newspaper. She was the first person in years who just treated me like a human being, like I was worth something. I never learned her name, but I will remember her fondly for the rest of my life. I know she will never know how important this moment was to me. This simple gesture of hers and the humanity she showed me changed my life. A few days later I stopped drinking and started a new life. “

5. ___HeyGFY___: “I was 18 years old at the time, but I will never forget the woman who stopped in the pouring rain with her car on the car bridge from which I wanted to jump. She looked like she’d just come back from a business lunch. Even so, she stayed with me for an hour. She had no umbrella or raincoat with her. Her car ran while she listened to me. Finally, she shared her encouraging words with me. She convinced me that suicide was a definitive response to a temporary problem. Today I am 51 years old. “

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6th Back2Bach: “My lost wallet was mailed to me. An anonymous person sent them to me at their own expense. My cash, credit cards, driver’s license and everything else were there – nothing was missing. An attached note said: ‘Please do something nice for a stranger whenever you have the opportunity.’ “

7th Loki77_7: “I tripped once at school and fell on my knee, which was very painful afterwards. I later learned it was dislocated. In any case, my knee hurt so much that I couldn’t get up and stayed on the floor. A lot of school children, including some friends, just walked past me. A girl I didn’t know was watching me and told a teacher who came for help. In the meantime it talked to me and asked how I was doing. “

8th. Imanol_Canada: “I was in the laundry with my dog ​​when an old man approached with his dog. Our four-legged friends greeted each other and the man said to me: ‘Jesus’ command that one should love one’s neighbor as oneself, only the dogs really understood.’ We chatted briefly and then he left. That was our only meeting. I will never forget this man. “

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9. Omenaa: “As a primary school student, I broke through the ice. A man walking his dog saw this and hurried to the pond. Desperate, I swam back to the bank and was only five meters from it. It wasn’t far, but not an easy task with soaked winter clothes. When I reached the bank, the man pulled my jacket out. It would have been difficult to get out of there because the bank was steep. I didn’t thank him because I was in shock. But I’m sure he knew I was grateful. Still, twenty years later, I still wish that I had thanked him. “

10. alwaysiamdead: “My son was a week old and had to see a doctor. I had severe, early-onset postnatal depression. Hadn’t slept more than an hour straight since he was born. I accidentally locked my keys, phone, and son in the car. Then an incredibly wonderful elderly couple came up to me and calmed me down. The two called the automobile club and wait with me for the tow truck. The tow truck driver who opened my car didn’t take any money from me. I will never forget these three people. “

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How nice that there are still people who are simply helpful and who even come to help strangers on the street without anything in return! Links to other interesting articles and galleries follow:

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