3 tempting ideas for desserts with ice cream cones

You have probably already noticed that many supermarkets sell ice cream cones. Perhaps you were also surprised at the sight of them on the shelf: Because ice cream cones are usually available in ice cream parlors to be able to eat the cold snack on the go; And if you want to enjoy ice cream at home, you can either spoon it straight out of the pack, grab a bowl or grab an ice cream stick – so why buy ice cream cones?

Well, the answer to this question is simple: you can make wonderful desserts with ice cream cones. Those with a sweet tooth swear by cinnamon rolls, tacos and fruity ice cream cones. Are you interested? Then let yourself be inspired by the following three dessert ideas with ice cream cones.

1. Ice cream cone and cinnamon rolls

For this you need (for 3-4 servings):

  • 2 ice cream cones
  • 20 g sugar-cinnamon mixture
  • finished chocolate sauce

For the cream cheese cream:

  • 180 g powdered sugar
  • 300 g natural cream cheese

That is how it goes:

1.1 Bring some water to a boil in a saucepan. Then hang a strainer in it, making sure it doesn’t touch the water. Moisten two pieces of kitchen paper and put one paper towel in each of the ice cream cones. Then steam the waffles one at a time for 2-3 minutes each; remove the paper towels and carefully roll apart the ice cream cones.

1.2 Make a cream from powdered sugar and cream cheese. Place the rolled out ice cream cones on the work surface, slightly overlapping, and brush them with the cream cheese cream.

1.3 Mix cinnamon and sugar together and distribute the mixture evenly over the cream cheese. Then roll up the waffles.

1.4 Wrap the ice cream cone cinnamon roll in foil and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour; Then cut them into small cinnamon rolls and, if you like, garnish with chocolate sauce before serving.

2. Sweet ice cream cone taco

For this you need (for 1 serving):

  • 1 ice cream cone
  • 200 g vanilla ice cream
  • 200 g dark chocolate couverture
  • 20 g hazelnut brittle

That is how it goes:

2.1 Bring some water to a boil in a saucepan. Then hang a strainer in it, making sure it doesn’t touch the water. Moisten a piece of kitchen paper and place it in the ice cream cone. Then steam the waffle for 2-3 minutes; remove the paper towel, carefully roll the waffle apart, and place it over a rolling pin. Let the ice cream cone set in this position to give it a taco shape.

2.2 Melt the dark couverture in a water bath. Fill the ice cream cone taco with vanilla ice cream and then dip it into the melted couverture.

2.3 Sprinkle the still viscous couverture with hazelnut brittle and let the chocolate set before serving.

3. Fruity filled ice cream cone

For this you need (for 1 serving):

  • 1 ice cream cone
  • 100 g whole milk couverture
  • 50 g cherry sauce
  • 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream
  • 1 cherry
  • Whipped cream
  • Shish kebab skewer
  • Plug moss

That is how it goes:

3.1 Melt the couverture in a water bath and pour some of it into the ice cream cone. Turn the waffle back and forth so that the couverture is evenly distributed, and then dip it into the couverture as well to coat the outer edge with chocolate as well. Pierce a skewer of kebab moss and place the ice cream cone on it until the chocolate has set.

3.2 Fill the waffle with cherry sauce and vanilla ice cream and top it all with a cherry on top.

If you see ice cream cones the next time you shop, you shouldn’t hesitate to take a pack with you, because it doesn’t matter whether it’s creamy cinnamon rolls, icy tacos or fruity-filled ice cream cones – these three desserts look like little works of art – and their preparation is not that complicated at all.

By the way: You can find other desserts with ice cream cones here.


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