Prepare steak perfectly with the best BBQ sauce in the world

A steak only becomes a real pleasure when it is perfectly fried. Many people know the problem that the steak is too tough, too dry or too bloody. If you treat yourself to a really expensive piece of meat, of course you also want the preparation to work perfectly and reach the ideal cooking point. The next big question is: what do I eat with the good piece of meat? Which sauce is appropriate for meat enjoyment and is the ideal addition to the steak? These are all questions that our cook Gregor can answer for you.

In the following video we will show you which piece of meat is best for a steak, which sauce you can easily conjure up yourself (our chef swears by banana and cola) and which pan is best to use for sizzling the steak.

What is suitable as meat for steak:

  • Saddle of beef
  • Beef fillet
  • Boiled beef

Ingredients for roasting:

  • cast iron pan
  • sea-salt
  • Vegetable oil
  • butter
  • rosemary
  • thyme
  • garlic

For the BBQ sauce:

  • garlic
  • Vegetable oil
  • cola
  • banana
  • Cayenne pepper
  • cumin
  • smoked paprika powder
  • Tomato paste
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Worcester sauce
  • honey
  • sieved tomatos

If you take our tips to heart, nothing can go wrong with roasting steak. It doesn’t take much for a perfect dinner: a good piece of meat, a tasty, homemade sauce and a cool drink. Send out the invitations, and you’re good to go!


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