Woman diver photographs funny sea worm

Quite a few strange creatures live on the seabed. The deeper you dive down and the less sunlight can penetrate into the cold waters, the more bizarre the creatures look that feel right at home down there.

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But what do we already know? Most likely the people who venture down there look just as strange and misshapen to the marine animals. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

A very common common priap worm (Priapulus caudatus), however, is still a completely harmless sight. The sea worm crawls peacefully and harmlessly through its life on the bottom of the sea. Of course, its shape is so recognizable that it was named after Priapus, the Greek god of fertility.

The diver and photographer Josie Jones from the city of Rye, in the greater Melbourne area in Australia, has now met a particularly funny-looking specimen of these cute creatures.

Josie regularly dips the ocean floor, collecting rubbish that careless people have thrown into the water. As a clever photographer, she always has her underwater camera ready.

She was happy with her underwater camera ready to use when she encountered a sea worm that made her laugh into her diving mask. She quickly snapped a few photos and posted them on a Facebook group for marine researchers.

“I never would have thought that anyone would be interested in these photos. I didn’t even spread it because I thought it was a bit vulgar, “says Josie.

But the Internet was already laughing with her and the photos of the sea worm were quickly seen everywhere on the net.

What a funny looking creature the priap worm is! Long may he swim around in the sand of the ocean floor and rejoice in his existence.

Thumbnails: © Facebook / Daniel Arenson © Facebook / Daniel Arenson

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