15 simple tricks for garden design

Every year the garden is transformed anew: some plants wither, others are added – that’s just the passage of time. But it’s also fun to help out with these changes.

The best ideas for garden design are here. (Scroll down to the article.)

You can influence the overall impression of the garden with just a few movements. If you only have the right ideas. Would you like a small selection? Voilà:

1.) Drill holes in the wooden fence and put colored marbles in them with silicone glue.

As soon as the sun shines, the marbles light up colorfully and let the sun’s rays sparkle over the garden.

2.) The American Tina Baine presents this idea at instructables: With the help of flower pot coasters, stepping stones are formed from concrete. If necessary, the stones can be reinforced in the concrete with joint tape.

© instructables / tina b.

Then the stepping stones are painted with concrete paint. Flower power look between the beds.

© instructables / tina b.

3.) Lupins are real eye catchers. In general, you can often achieve more with individual perennials than with a completely new bed.

4.) Patio furniture with character instead of white plastic chairs – you don’t take a plastic bag with you as a handbag when you’re dressing up.

5.) Revive old things.

6.) Mark the transition from the terrace to the lawn to make the structures of the garden even more interesting.

7.) Bee-friendly flower meadow instead of lawns requiring intensive maintenance.

8.) A fire bowl turns the evening into an event.

9.) Old bird cages can be converted into hanging baskets.

10.) The idea from point 1 of sinking marbles into wooden boards is also suitable for wind chimes.

11.) A creative way to decorate the house wall.

12.) Drawers can be turned into plant troughs for the terrace in no time at all.

13.) Who has a whole river in their garden? The blue bobblehead that covers the ground (Isotoma fluviatilis) makes it possible.

14.) There are two ways to make a chair bloom: Either you saw a hole in the seat and put a pot in it, or you replace the seat with a jute sack that is filled with potting soil and planted.

15.) Nature paints the most beautiful pictures. Sometimes this can only be better expressed with a frame.

Not only accompanying the constant change in the garden, but also helping to shape it creatively, is one of the most popular leisure activities there is for good reason. Hardly anything makes you so happy. Even more so if the effort is kept within limits and you can soon enjoy the results of your efforts.

This article introduces you to more cool garden projects for the coming year. If you want to beautify your garden with a pond or water features, you will find the right suggestions in this post.

You can find even more ideas for decorating your garden in the following articles:

Source: cool tips, garden journal, houzz

Thumbnails: © pinterest / instructables © instructables / tina b.

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