Raiden Gonzalez (4) loses both parents within a short period of time

In Germany, more than 33,000 people died from or with the coronavirus in 2020, almost 90% of them were over 70 years old. An estimated 342,000 people were killed associated with the virus in the United States last year, most of them aged 65 and over. Those who are younger are likely to survive an infection. Unfortunately, nothing is guaranteed in life, as the following harrowing story from the US state of Texas shows.

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At the beginning of 2020, little Raiden Gonzalez was still happily living with his parents. But a tragedy began after his father Adan Gonzalez found a new job as a truck driver. The colleague who had taken care of his briefing was sick. Adan always observed all security measures and wore a mask. When he mentioned the condition of his colleague in his new company, he was simply told not to worry – however, the employee was soon diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2.

A short time later it emerged that Adan had also been infected. He was soon feeling so bad that he had to be taken to the hospital. “His condition got worse day by day. Soon there was nothing more they could do for him, ”said Rozie Salinas, Raiden’s grandmother. Adan died on June 26, 2020 after battling the coronavirus in hospital for two weeks – he was just 33 years old. Raiden’s mother Mariah Gonzalez tried carefully to explain his father’s death to her four-year-old son. He understood that his father was sick and believed that he would now go on living as an angel.

After Adan’s death, Mariah and Raiden moved in with Rozie. The young mother suffered from depression after this terrible loss, but at least she had no physical symptoms. Like her husband, she always observed all safety measures and wore a mask. However, on the evening of October 5th, Mariah noticed chest pain. It seemed like panic attacks at first. Unfortunately, her condition worsened very quickly. As Rozie and her daughter waited for the ambulance, she patted her shoulder. “Please stay with me,” said the 29-year-old to her mother – the last words Rozie heard from her.

In the hospital, she tested positive for the coronavirus. She died about a day later, despite her young age. “I didn’t realize this was the last time I would see her. It all happened so quickly, nobody expected that, ”explains Rozie, shocked.

She had to explain to Raiden that his parents were now angels and took care of him in heaven. “He understands that his father was sick, had the virus, and is now an angel. But he doesn’t want to see why his mother is no longer there, ”says Rozie.

Because the little boy turned five shortly afterwards, friends and family members had helped celebrate an unforgettable birthday that was themed around his favorite topic ‘dinosaurs’ – without putting him at risk, of course.

“We just wanted to prepare a special day for Raiden. Hopefully that changed his mind for a while, ”says Rozie. “His parents were a really lovely couple. They always laughed and were always in a good mood. It was never boring with them. Raiden also comes strongly after them. He too is very amiable. He always wants to be hugged and then says he loves you. “

What a terrible stroke of fate for the little one to lose both parents in a very short time. Fortunately, he has at least one devoted grandma and other family members who care for him and love him. Here are links to other tragic and poignant articles:

Thumbnails: © Facebook / Rozie Salinas © Facebook / Rozie Salinas

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