16 pictures of a house from the 1970s

The Jacksons actually live in the US state of Florida and already own a house there. But when Alysha and her husband Nate one day discovered a very special property from the 1970s on a realtor page on Facebook, they were immediately enchanted. Located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, nearly 1,400 km away, it has barely changed since it was built.

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The teacher couple struck and bought it a few days later. The two of them want to carefully renovate the well-preserved house so that it largely retains its 70s charm. The idea is to alternately rent and live in their two houses – depending on which state the Jacksons are in. This should help them to become financially independent and to be able to retire as early as possible:

1. The first viewing took place online, they only entered the house for the first time after the purchase.

2. Still, they didn’t regret anything. Of course there are some corners in the house that need renovation, but the overall condition is exceptionally good.

© Instagram / thejacksonfi

3. The architecture is not only very distinctive inside.

4. Because it is musty and has had its prime, the eye-catching purple carpet should be removed and replaced with marmoleum of the same color.

5. There is a lot to do in the bathrooms too.

6. The 70s furniture remains part of the interior.

7. The house is 230 m² and was built in 1975. Only minor things like this toilet have been updated over the years.

8. The happy family is sitting in front of the front door with their adopted children.

9. “The kitchen looks like it has never been used or has recently been renovated,” say the couple.

10. If you love things colorful, you’ve come to the right place.

11. The carpet is not purple everywhere, but also blue, pink or pink.

12. A picture of the former owner.

13. If you stumble here, at least you fall softly.

14. Cooking on the orange stove.

15. The house cost $ 161,000, the equivalent of around 133,000 euros.

16. It is located in a forest, so an idyllic view is included.

Well, as long as you live in this house, you inevitably live in the 70s, it looks like. A short journey through time within your own four walls!

Those who still can’t get enough of the house can see more photos on the couple’s Instagram account, “thejacksonfi”. Retro lovers will find links to other interesting galleries under this paragraph:

Thumbnails: © Instagram / thejacksonfi © Instagram / thejacksonfi

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