16 people who are proud of what they have achieved

Lounging comfortably on the sofa, dozing in bed or, when the weather is nice, sitting on a bench in the park – there are many situations in which you can and should just relax. Nevertheless, comfort is not everything and in the long run a bit boring.

Here are emotional stories that really inspire you. (Scroll down to the article.)

You can feel bubbling feelings of happiness when you overcome hurdles or when something nice happens to you completely unexpectedly in a difficult time. This happened to the following people. They tried very hard to achieve their goals, were patient and sometimes got a little luck. Now they can enjoy the fruits of their privations – on both a large and small scale:

1. “After weeks of hard work, I finally finished cleaning up my depression nest in the garage. There were 55 rubbish bags full of stuff that I gave away. I also disposed of a few kilograms of garbage. For the first time in a year I can park my car here again. “

I’m finally done clearing out my depression nest of a garage after weeks of hard work. I donated 55 trash bags full of stuff and threw away 12 cubic feet of garbage. I can park my car in there for the first time in a year. from r / oddlysatisfying

2. “After a terrible 2020, I passed all of my exams, finished my studies, and celebrated this achievement with my two favorite people. Got my parents to print this photo out. Now it hangs in both of your offices! Every time I see it, I have to smile. “

After an awful 2020, I finally finished my Masters, passed all my CPA exams, and got to celebrate with my two favorite people. Got my parents print outs of this photo and it’s hanging in both their offices! Every time I look at it I smile. from r / MadeMeSmile

3. “I am 35 years old and I have fulfilled a dream. Today was my first day of class! “

35 years old and I accomplished a dream. Today was my first day teaching! from r / MadeMeSmile

4. “In 2019 I was drunk at the office Christmas party and made a bet with my colleague that I would spend the following year getting in shape. I kept my promise and won the bet. I am proud.”

In 2019 I got way too drunk at the office Christmas party & bet my coworker that I would spend 2020 getting fit. I kept my promise and won the bet. I am proud. from r / MadeMeSmile

5. “After more than 21 months, I am finally finished with my 40,320-piece puzzle!”

After 21.5 months, I finally completed my 40,320 piece puzzle! from r / happy

6. “After about a year and a half of hard work, my friend has finally published her first children’s book in which none other than one of our little troublemakers plays the leading role! It’s a story about the confusing life of a cat with too many names! “

After about a year and a half of hard work, my girlfriend is finally publishing her first Children’s Book, starring none other than one of our little trouble makers! It’s a story about the confusing life of a kitty with too many names! from r / happy

7. “That was my sweaty face after running a 10k run in the middle of chemotherapy. When Corona started, I got breast cancer. I thought he was going to break me, but here I am. I had an operation, 6 of 10 chemos are left. Nothing can stop me now, I think. Just slow down. “

That’s my sweaty face after completing a 10K run midway through chemo. When the news of Corona hit the world I got breast cancer. I thought it would destroy me, but here I am. I’ve finished surgery, 10 chemo’s and got 6 left. I think nothing can stop me now … only slow me down. from r / MadeMeSmile

8. “After three miscarriages in six months, I didn’t know for a long time whether I would ever become a father. Today my twins are one year old. “

After three miscarriages in six months, and not knowing if I’d ever get to be a dad, my twins turned one today. from r / happy

9. “It took an afternoon, but I picked up a lot of rubbish from the roadside near my home – five bags full!”

#Trashtag checking in from Ontario, Canada! Took me an afternoon but I managed to pick up 5 bags of trash from the roadside where I live! from r / pics

10. “When I was 16, during career counseling at school, I was told that I wasn’t good enough at math to study space science. I have just graduated in applied mathematics and in two weeks I will start studying space science and aerospace engineering. Follow your gut feeling and just do it! “

At 16 my guidance counselor told me I wasn’t good enough at math to go into the space field. Just received my undergrad diploma in applied mathematics and in 2 weeks I start working on my masters in space sciences and engineering. Follow your gut and do the thing! from r / MadeMeSmile

11. “Today I spent six hours trying to save this kitten that was hiding in seven different cars. Was only possible with the help of ten people from my neighborhood. “

Today I spent 6 hours trying to save this kitty who kept hiding in a total of 7 different cars. Was only possible with the help of like 10 people from my local community ❤️ from r / aww

12. “I finally married the girl I’ve been friends with for over ten years!”

I finally married the girl I’ve been friends with for over 10 years! from r / MadeMeSmile

13. For the first time in a long time, all of the dogs in this shelter have found a home!

14. “As of today, my best friend is officially cancer-free! She fought cancer for six months, and she is only 16 years old. I am so proud of her! “

My bestfriend is officially cancer-free from today onwards! For 6 months she has been fighting her cancer at age 16. I am so proud of her! from r / MadeMeSmile

15. “I won a dance competition and 1,000 dollars (the equivalent of around 800 euros, d. R. note)! I didn’t even know there was a cash prize. Here I cry my eyes out. “

I won a dance competition and $ 1000! I didn’t know there was a cash prize so here’s me crying my eyes out 😅 from r / MadeMeSmile

16. “I fought depression for 6 years. Now I am happy when I see my therapy dog ​​and my newborn first child. “

Fought depression for 6 years … now seeing my therapy dog ​​and my newly born first child = happy from r / happy

As you can see, big and small successes can make you very happy. You could also say it in this sense with the famous saying by Erich Kästner: “There is nothing good except: You do it.” You can find links to other interesting articles and galleries about hardworking and successful people under this paragraph:

Thumbnail: © reddit / u / Rosebudsi

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