Mother of child with cancer receives a heartless letter

When Randa Ragland from Pinson, Alabama, opens her mailbox one day in June 2019, she finds an anonymous letter. In it, a neighbor complains about the condition of their property:

“Neighbor: pull yourself together and bring the exterior of your house up to scratch. This eyesore reduces the sales value of OUR houses. Who would want to buy a house next to yours and look at it every day? It doesn’t cost that much effort. You just have to get your butt up. “

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When Randa reads this, she has to sit down first. The mother really has other worries than mowing her lawn.

Her husband recently lost his job, she has health problems herself, and her 3-year-old autistic son has been diagnosed with cancer – stage four neuroblastoma.

However, instead of getting upset about the letter of complaint, Randa posted it on Facebook. In the post she describes her own difficult situation and calls on all people to show more charity:

“I didn’t want to publish that at first. But a neighbor sent me this letter (shown in the picture). I want to show it to everyone. You never know what’s going on in the other’s life. My family is going through a lot right now. Our youngest son of five, Jaxen, was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma in October 2018, a few days before his 3rd birthday. Jaxen is also autistic and cannot speak. Our life consists of doctor and hospital visits – long hospital stays for chemo and transplants and operations. My son literally had to fight for his life.

He was hospitalized over 20 times and had 7 operations. He truly is the bravest person I know. I write all of this to say to you: be good to your neighbors or strangers. Say hello’. Just be cordial. It’s incredible how much that can change a person. A year ago I would have been very upset about this letter. But I really don’t have the energy for that negativity. Perhaps the author of this letter will see that. Maybe not. But maybe that touches someone and that would be enough. “

Kimberly Davis Quick, a local woman, noticed the post and shared it with a call for help. She sets up a Facebook page to organize help for Jaxen and his parents. What happens shortly afterwards, the desperate Randa could never have dreamed …

A few days after Kimberley’s call, a group of volunteers gathered on the Raglands property. The garden is spruced up with a lawnmower and hedge trimmer. Others help the exhausted mother with housework and do her shopping.

One of the helpers had lost his 6-year-old daughter to the same cancer two weeks earlier. He gives Randa a painted stone – a good luck charm for his deceased daughter. The mother bursts into tears: she is overwhelmed by so much charity and compassion. “Jaxen now has a whole family (army) that supports him and comforts us,” writes Randa on Facebook. “Thanks to everyone who helped us with Kimberley Davis Quick. You are fantastic. “

A wave of helpfulness and love has emerged from a hateful letter. With this “army” of friends and helpers who have his back and his family backed, little Jaxen will hopefully conquer the terrible disease.

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