6 Natural Home Remedies That Really Work

There’s a home remedy for just about any ailment and minor inconvenience you can think of. Whether it’s a sore throat, incessant coughing, or the common cold, you’re bound to find a recipe that will help you wage war against whatever is wreaking havoc on your body. And good news – if you bruise easily or have trouble falling asleep, there’s something for you, too! We’re going to show you 6 easy home remedies for common ailments that you won’t want to do without!

1. Ease A Cold With Ginger Coke

You’ll Need:

Here’s How:

When you’re feeling really sick and just can’t bring yourself to do anything, there’s only one thing that can help: a revitalizing drink made from coke and ginger. Cut the ginger into thick slices, add it to a saucepan with coke, and bring to a boil. Strain the liquid and add a little honey. Granted, this combination might sound a little weird, but it works wonders – just 1 glass and you’ll start to feel better right away!

2. Cure Insomnia With Essential Oils

You’ll Need:

  • 20 drops lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops ylang ylang essential oil
  • 20 drops melted coconut oil
  • small roll-on bottle

Here’s How:

Insomnia can be one of the worst, most exhausting things you can experience. Thankfully, there’s a way to restore restful sleep and it smells as good as it works! Just mix all the listed oils in a small bottle and apply the formula to the inside of your wrists right before you go to sleep. The essential oils will have a calming effect and ensure that you can finally get a good night’s sleep.

3. Soothe A Sore Throat With DIY Gummies

You’ll Need:

  • ginger
  • 2 glasses of water
  • juice of ½ a lemon
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 4 tbsp unflavored gelatin powder
  • ice cube tray

Here’s How:

Sore throats are the worst! That incessant scratching is simply too much to endure, which is why this remedy will calm any sore throat-induced fits of rage. Cut ginger into thick slices, add them to a saucepan along with the water, and bring everything to a boil before letting it simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the liquid and stir in the lemon juice, honey, and gelatin powder. Pour the mixture into an ice cube tray and wait for it to set. Remove the gummies from the tray and snack on them throughout the day – you’ll notice a change after only a few bites!

4. Get Rid Of A Head Cold With Onions

You’ll Need:

Here’s How:

Is your day being ruined by a pesky cold, maybe even accompanied by a debilitating fever? Then do yourself a favor and cut a red onion into thick slices and put 1 slice into each of your socks overnight. The warmth in your socks will allow your body to absorb all those anti-inflammatory properties that are inside the onion and you’ll feel much better in the morning!

5. Clear A Stuffy Nose With Ice Cubes

You’ll Need:

Here’s How:

It might sound absurd, but it’s actually true: If you’re being trolled by a runny nose, put an ice cube in your mouth and use your tongue to press it against the roof of your mouth. The cold from the ice causes blood vessels to contract, meaning your nose will clear up immediately!

6. Heal Bruises With A Homemade Salve

You’ll Need:

  • daisies
  • cooking oil
  • 1 tbsp beeswax
  • 1 tbsp lanolin
  • essential oil (optional)

Here’s How:

Let a handful of daisies dry overnight, then add them to a jar with some cooking oil and heat this mixture to 100°F in a hot water bath for 2 hours. Pour the mixture into a jar once it’s cooled, seal it, and let the mixture infuse for 3 days. Strain the liquid and pour it back into the jar. Put it in a water bath once again and melt the beeswax and lanolin in it. If you want your healing salve to have a nice scent, add a few drops of an essential oil and allow the mixture to cool and harden. Daisies are known to have wound-healing properties, so it’s good to have a jar of this homemade healing salve around at all times!

Whether you’re battling a sore throat, the sniffles, energy-sapping insomnia, or painful bruises, you can easily treat any of the above right from the comfort of your very own home. Spare yourself the long and arduous trip to the pharmacy, save yourself some money, and treat yourself to a home remedy that actually works!

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