8 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Sugar


Do you think you could give up sugar for a week? Cutting out all your favorite snacks hardly sounds like a sweet deal, but believe it or not, just one week without the stuff could make a dramatic difference! Eating too much sugar can have some surprising consequences for your health, and we’re not just talking about weight gain or diabetes. Recent studies show that sugar is more dangerous than fat. Even so, most of us are unaware of how much sugar we consume every day. So what will happen to your body if you give up sugar for one week? Here are 8 changes you can expect after a week without sugar.

1. Increased Libido

Eating too much sugar lowers testosterone levels in men, meaning the libido takes a big hit. Increased blood sugar levels also affect the vascular system, leading to restricted blood flow throughout the body, including down in the genitals. On top of that, excess body fat from high sugar consumption speeds up estrogen production, which can result in further trouble with erections.

2. Better Skin

Sugar is most likely to blame for that sudden breakout of zits. Consuming candy, soda, or any other sugary treats spikes your blood sugar and your body responds by cranking out more insulin, which increases the production of skin oils that clog up your follicles. This often wreaks havoc on your skin. High sugar intake also triggers inflammation in the skin, leading to premature wrinkling and acne. So several days after quitting the stuff, you’ll notice your face feels more elastic and supple.

3. Increased Brain Power

Studies show that eating too much sugar can make you more forgetful. Research also suggests that a high-sugar diet reduces the production of BDNF, a brain chemical responsible for new memory formation and learning. A few days into the challenge, your body will start burning fat instead of all that excess sugar, which is the ideal scenario for brain functionality.

4. Fresher Breath

Sugar isn’t just bad for your gums and teeth, but also provides a source of food for bacteria. The more sugar you eat, the faster these bacteria reproduce, which results in unpleasant breath over time. So instead of wasting your hard-earned cash on breath mints, you may want to limit your sugar intake. Several days after quitting sugar, you’ll cut out the bacteria and the bad smells they produce.

5. Sharper Eyesight

Sugar also affects the health of your eyes. Spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels can result in vessel damage and lower blood supply to your peepers. This leads to a drop in eye sharpness and conditions such as cataracts and myopia may develop. 

6. You’ll Sleep Better

Eating too much sugar interferes with your regular energy levels. At night, the sugar in your system can pull you out of a deep sleep, making you feel exhausted the next day. What’s more, consuming too much sugar during the day can lead to a big energy crash after the initial short boost, leaving you feeling even more tired than before. After giving up sugar, you’ll continue to feel sleepy and sluggish for the first few days, but once your body adapts to it, you’ll be full of energy during the day and ready to sleep when it’s bedtime.

7. Better Mood

In the first few days after quitting sugar, you’ll experience withdrawal symptoms, which may not be pleasant for your brain or body. But don’t worry – your feelings will change once you’ve given up sugar for a week. As before, you’ll no longer be plagued by those dreaded energy crashes, which make you irritable, anxious, and moody. A study review has shown that sugar can have serious long-term effects on your psychological health. Research also suggests a strong link between high sugar consumption and the risk of depression, so giving up the sweet stuff is certainly the best option in the long run.

8. More Money

A sugar-free diet will mean fewer expensive trips to the doctor and dentist, not to mention all the money saved from buying acne concealers and sweet treats. Americans collectively spend about $1 trillion on sugar-related conditions each year, which comes to around $3,000 per person. With that kind of money in your pocket, you could jet off to some luxury resort in the Caribbean for a week-long vacation! 

So are you ready to take on the one-week no sugar challenge? After the first few days, it’ll be easier than you think. Who knows… you may want to eliminate sugar from your diet for good!

This website is neither intended nor suitable to replace, complete or refute professional advice, examinations, treatments, diagnoses, etc. by doctors, pharmacists, psychotherapists, medical practitioners and / or any other medical professional.

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