Unknown Soldier: David Jay photographs veterans

All over the world, conflicts flare up again and again in which soldiers give their lives with the aim of preventing worse escalations and restoring some stability.

Here are emotional stories that really inspire you. (Scroll down to the article.)

It remains to be seen whether this makes sense in any case. The fact that such an operation leaves traces in more than one sense is documented by the photographer David Jay in his photo series “The Unknown Soldier” (in German: the unknown soldier):

1. “Bobby Henline was the only survivor of an attack. His troop carrier caught fire after a mine exploded on the street. “

2. “Jerral Hancock was piloting a tank in Iraq. An explosive device in the street penetrated the armor. Jerral has two wonderful children. “

3. “Cedric King, a member of a special unit of the US Air Force, was wounded on July 25, 2012 by a malicious explosive and incendiary device in Afghanistan.”

4. “Jason Pak was caught in a booby trap while on foot patrol and lost both legs and part of his hand. Fortunately, the booby trap couldn’t take away his positive outlook on life. “

5. “David Bixler was in Afghanistan for three years. There he lost both legs. David is a phenomenal man and father. “

6. “Sergeant Joel Tavera was injured in Iraq when he was twenty. Among other things, he suffered severe burns, lost both legs and had to be operated on ninety times. “

7. “Shilo Harris is from Houston, Texas (USA). A 300 kg bomb killed three of his comrades while on patrol on February 19, 2007. Only he and his driver survived. “

8. “Daniel Burgess lost one leg due to a treacherous explosive device and the other was badly damaged.”

9. “This is Michael Fox, a twenty-seven year old Marine and wonderful man. He sustained his injuries while on foot patrol in Helmand Province in Afghanistan. “

10. “This is Tomas Young. He was shot in the back in Iraq in 2014. This wound paralyzed him. He died a short time later. “

11. “Bo Reichenbach was wounded in Afghanistan. He has a wife and a young son. “

12. “Christian Brown stepped on a booby trap in Afghanistan in 2011 and lost both legs. A few days earlier, he was carrying a fatally wounded comrade under heavy enemy fire over three hundred meters to a helicopter. He was awarded a medal for special bravery. “

13. “A member of the Afghan National Army shot Matt Smith and some of his comrades in 2013. The bullet that hit him injured his femoral artery, which is why the doctors had to amputate his leg. “

14. “Matthew Aiken lost his leg while cleaning an area full of booby traps in Kandahar, Afghanistan.”

15. “A treacherous explosive charge that was buried under a street cost Marissa Strock both legs.”

16. “In Panjwaii, Afghanistan, Nicholas John Vogt was injured by a booby trap. On November 11th, 2011 the accident occurred, as a result of which he lost both legs. “

David Jay’s pictures prove that the war has lost none of its brutality even in the 21st century. The many soldiers who returned home seriously wounded will have to live forever with their wounds and experiences.

You can find more moving and inspiring pictures from life here:

Thumbnails: © Facebook / TheUnknownSoldier © Facebook / TheUnknownSoldier

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